Saturday, February 12, 2011

Eight months

I use to think that eight months was a long time-even six months because that was half a year. But that seemed long then because it was the longest time I had spent with a person on a romantic level. That was a long time because I wanted it-during those moments-to be the first and only long time I would spend with anyone. I wanted that to be it. Just eight months and I was about to give my forever away, just eight months and I gave my love and heart away, just eight months and I thought I had legitimate reasons to say he was the one and only- but little did I know those eight months in the broad scheme of things were no time at all.

I look back now, seven months away from James' and my break up and A LOT has changed. A lot has happened. I have grown  A LOT for these seven months of time, but these seven months-even though hard-haven't been a long time. Maybe a long ride, a necessary pain on certain levels but it has ONLY been SEVEN months. A month short of eight. But it seems like just yesterday I was checking out of Old Vineyard. It seems like just yesterday I was getting my act together. Just yesterday I was in love with you. Seven months is not a long time when you are thinking in terms of forever and lifetimes. I am not the person I was seven months ago, not even the same person I was two weeks ago.

I have heard a phrase I would like to share, "Time doesn't heal all wounds, it's what you do with the time." In these past seven months I have done a lot with my time. But in those short eight months-I did nothing. I became nothing. And I was treated like nothing. Now I am something, someone and I have gained my life back.

Never again. The walls are up now and heavily guarded. The soldiers are armed and ready.

I'll keep you posted,
the flying fish 


  1. Well said! You are not the same person you were eight months ago.. And you have accomplished a great many things in those months! You are SOMETHING! And, you HAVE gotten your life back! I am proud of you!

  2. Thanks Mom! I am proud of all of us for making it through all of this.
