Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Goooood Morning America!

Last night I went to bed, and one of the many thoughts that I let race through my head before I fell asleep was, "Tomorrow IS going to be a GOOD day!"

I wake up today and WAHLAH! I hope out of bed at 9:45 have some coffee and get things done!

I started out with getting the trash ready to take outside.
I picked up my room(which really just meant getting the laundry all over the floor downstairs and started in the wash)
I took the cloths that had been needing to be folded for about a week now upstairs and folded them after making my bed.
I took care of the dogs, let them out and fed them before letting them out again.
I picked up our living area and the kitchen.
Took a shower
And then finally took the trash out!
I logged everything I did in my calender/journal.

and here I am with everything that I had somehow been unable to do done and I got it all done in less than one hour because like I have said before, when I am good I AM GREAT.

The trick is to keep this up for as many days as I can mentally. Not to mention if you stay on top of your cleaning it isn't as overwhelming a thing to do when the piles aren't a mile high, so in those terms I'd guess you'd be more willing to get them done on a daily basis. And not only that but it is now almost 11:30, everything is done(except maybe a work out session) I have the rest of the day to do whatever I want GUILT FREE.

I'll keep you posted!
The Flying Fish!

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